PUBG: Battlegrounds

Na'Vi avslører helt nytt PUBG-lag

Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev her!

* Påkrevd felt

Esportorganisasjonen Natus Vincere har avslørt via deres hjemmeside at de nå har stiftet et helt nytt lagt, som skal konkurrere på deres vegne i PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Det nye laget består utelukkende av medlemmer av Tornado Energy, og ankommer klare med deres "clearly structured communication and well-sorted in-game procedures."

Medlemmene er Konstantin "Mellman" Levkin, Andrey "Qwizzy" Pobedinskiy, Artem "xmpl" Adarkin, og Alexandr "alya" Pirogov.

"We are glad to welcome Mellman, alya, Qwizzy and xmpl to NAVI. These guys have been proving themselves for a long time, showing consistently good results and they are ready to compete for the title of European champion. The boys are a close-knit and friendly team, fired up to win and, like our club, aiming to qualify for the PGC 2021. I would like to thank the previous squad for their work and dedication, we sincerely wish them all the best for their future. Especially considering the recent announcements, it will be a challenging season. Yet we promise our fans that we will do our best to delight them with positive results throughout the upcoming tournaments," sier Valeriia "Lera_X" Khegai, som er Na'Vis PUBG-manager.

PUBG: Battlegrounds
Natus Vincere

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