
Insidia beveger seg så smått inn i esportverdenen

Det er ikke lenge siden spillet ble lansert for fullt, men hoveddesigner Marco Bielli ser allerede esport-potensiale.

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* Påkrevd felt

Insidia, det turbaserte spillet fra Bad Seed, ble nettopp lansert for fullt, og har allerede hatt konkurranser på Faceit. Dette har imponert hoveddesigner Marco Bielli, som allerede ser en vekst i spillets esportpotensiale.

"Of course the first ones were won by the closed beta players," sier han. "They spent months training for the game, but a week later new challengers were emerging, there was already a shift in who is constantly winning. So the competitive scene is starting right now as it is. There are some people who are really, really into the game, new strategies are emerging, strategies that even I never thought of, so the game is starting to become alive."

"Our aim from day one of this project was to develop a turn-based game that had the potential to become a competitive game, maybe one day an esport, and so everything in the game is catered towards that objective. So we have quick matches, deep enough gameplay, we tried to make it enjoyable to watch even if it is a turn-based game [...] there is this degree of you don't know what will happen."

Har du hatt muligheten til å teste Insidia ennå? Fikk du med deg FaceIt-turneringene?


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