God of War II

God of War II

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* Påkrevd felt

At mange ble "glade" i Kratos og spillet God of War, var ikke noe tvil i og Sony sørget for en skikkelig suksess med spillet som ble lansert den 22. juni 2005. Vi har også hørt at God of War III er under produksjon, men i dag skal vi se litt på God of War II hvo vi har fått tilsendt en überfet haug med skjermiser hvor blant annet Kratos går amok med sverdet og kapper hodet av en fiende.

Den 27. april er det klart for oppfølgeren og du kan være trygg på at vi i april-utgaven av Gamereactor-magasinet kommer med en fyldig omtale av spillet.

Her er mer fakta:
The story picks up where players last left off with Kratos. Sitting atop his throne on Olympus, Kratos, the once mortal warrior has become a threat far worse than his predecessor Ares, had ever been. Kratos is a ruthless God, whose wrath strikes down anyone who crosses his path or the path of his beloved Sparta. The "Ghost of Sparta" sets out to alter that which no mortal, or god has ever changed, his fate. Kratos' journey brings him to the very edge of the Earth, facing countless beasts, monsters, and horrors from his previous life, all bent on preventing him from reaching his goal. But this is Kratos, and his defiance is filled with such arrogance and contempt that all of the Ancient World still trembles at his name: Kratos, the God of War.

* Huge Collection of Combat Moves: Players can utilize their favourite combo attacks from GOD OF WAR along with a whole new set of moves and magic. Magic is based on nature's elements which include utilizing the power if wind, ice and much more.

* New Characters: From the popular Cyclops and Cerebus to the Flying Gryphon and more, players will encounter some of the greatest Greek mythological beasts, along with more enemies and bosses.

* Puzzle Solving: GOD OF WAR II features more puzzle solving, where players must solve intelligent, challenging and progressively more complicated puzzles latent with brutal elements that are intricately woven into the overarching story.

* Exploration: Players will continue their previous experiences in the dark, violent world of Greek mythology and test their agility through more levels as they traverse treacherous, often brutal terrain that will range from the undiscovered Sisters of Fate to the Dark Swap and more.

God of War IIGod of War IIGod of War IIGod of War II
God of War IIGod of War IIGod of War IIGod of War II

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