Friday the 13th: The Game

Friday the 13th har fått ny Jason, nytt kart og mer

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Illfonic har vært veldig åpne om hva de planlegger å komme med til Friday the 13th: The Game, så vi får sjelden noen store overraskelser i oppdateringene. Uansett er det alltid gøy å faktisk få nye figurer og kart, noe vi har fått nå.

I spillets nyeste oppdatering får vi blant annet tilgang til Jason-utgaven fra Friday the 13th: Part V - A New Beginning og kartet Pinehurst. Her får den tungpustede karen mulighet til å bruke de spesielle Hedge Trimmer-, Last Breath- og You're so Vein-drapene, samt et helt nytt et kalt Rugby Player om du er level 108 og har 2500 CP til overs. Utenom det har de også redusert antallet lommekniver og medisinsprayer som dukker opp i hver kamp, gjort Jason en god del farligere på flere områder, fikset en hel haug med bugs, forbedret matchmakingen og mer. Du kan lese de mindre detaljene i listen under:

Reduced the amount of Pocket Knives and Medical Sprays that can spawn per match.
Adjusted the amount of available spawns per match for each weapon.
Addressed several issues that were causing players to become interaction locked.
Fixed a bug that caused Bear Traps to disappear when disarmed by a counsellor.
Fixed a bug related to the "The Final Chapter" achievement that was causing players to crash.

Jason will now begin each match equipped with 2 additional throwing knives.
Jason's movement speed has been slightly increased.
Jason's grab range and cone has been slightly increased.
Players can once again access the medium bloody skin for Savini Jason.
Note: The unlockable Light/Heavy bloody skins are not available for Savini Jason.
Fixed a bug that allowed Jason's character model to rotate while knocked down.
The grab kills "Free Kick" and "Disarm" will now properly grant Versatile experience.

Fixed a bug where - if a player interacted with a window in a certain way, the window would break and incorrectly cause damage to the player.
Fixed inconsistencies that were appearing in several counsellor models.

The Fuse will no longer be able to spawn in the same building as the Phone Box.
Addressed several exploit locations on all maps.
Made adjustments to several locations that were causing the objectives/repair parts spawns to be inaccessible.

Fixed several bugs related to the boat flipping mechanic.

Offline Play
Made many improvements and bug fixes to the bot AI in Offline Bots.
Restart function added to the pause menu in Offline Bots.
Fixed a bug causing the end score screen to incorrectly show badge progression in Offline Bots.
Note: Badges can not be obtained through Offline Bots.

Added servers for South America and Australia [PC]
Added region auto-detection [PC]

Players should once again be able to hear the sound of weapons and items being dropped.
The grab kill "Free Kick" will now properly take into account the user's audio settings.

Friday the 13th: The Game

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Friday the 13th: The Game

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