

Stedet for generell spilldiskusjon

God of War III.

  • BrUS
  • BrUS
Hehe, ok. Skal nok se hva jeg finner ut av, da. Når jeg får tid skal eg komme meg litt innpå historien, så går jeg videre derfra ;)
Beasts all over the shop... Sooner or later you will turn into one of them.
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God of War I & II er grunner nok til å anskaffe seg en PS2.

Herregud som jeg gleder meg til treern!
7H3 G33K5 5H4LL 0NC3 4G41N RUL3 7H3 W0RLD - When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the just have to outrun the halfling.
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  • BrUS
  • BrUS
Har sett igjennom 7 deler av en walkthrough på youtube, og gameplayet ser skamrått ut! Må nok fremdeles komme meg litt lenger inn i historien ;9
Beasts all over the shop... Sooner or later you will turn into one of them.
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Siterer BrUS:
Har sett igjennom 7 deler av en walkthrough på youtube, og gameplayet ser skamrått ut! Må nok fremdeles komme meg litt lenger inn i historien ;9

anbelafer og kjøpe enn ps2 og spilla da men.. er sykt bra
Im sorry, i can`t hear you over the sound of how awesome i am
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omg omg omg

"I was recently sent a pretty detailed run down of what to expect from God of War 3... This is an actual build of the game and not the trailer we're all set to see at the VGA's. I am told that it will only be a very short glimpse of what the game is going to offer and will probably be further edited down to about 20 seconds if that. He thinks it could be so edited that if you blink you might miss it... 10 seconds, even.

Sadly, I'm not able to go into as much detail here. It sucks, I know. But, at the request of the man in question and in hopes of building a better relationship with him in the future I will honor that request.
What I can talk about is this:

Graphically it is going to set a new standard. Easily eclipsing the detail in Gears of War 2 and uncharted... God of War 3 is set to offer up the most cinematic experiences ever! He was over the moon about how good it looked... he said there is nothing that comes remotely close. "The detail is crafted with highest of care and the animations sell the experience like nothing you've ever seen" .

He was told that the game will be 1080P and 60FPS... He then said it was obvious the footage he seen wasn't, though. So, if they're shooting for 1080P and 60fps and haven't hit it yet that's a good thing... since the game already looks better than anything out there. This is a win for the gamers.

Kratos doesn't look like the only playable in the game. Apparently their might be someone along for the ride... His brother perhaps???

Gameplay remains somewhat the same but with tweaks that begged to be put in from the beginning. The camera is now placed much closer and everything is bigger and only on "certain" instances does the camera pan way out on you. He explained to me there are 3 new mechanics to the gameplay engine that drastically alter it for different players.

There will be an online mode... Gladiator mode and co-op are two he touched upon.

The area he has seen shows Kratos battling hordes of rotting corpses in a highly detailed cemetery. There is a a sea supplying eerie fog as the backdrop, along with dead trees and headstones. The sky has a reddish hue to it but real time storm clouds act as a blanket of night for the setting.

He said the zombies realistically came up through the ground, disruptting the dirt and clawed their way into battle. He said the detail and quality of work represented in this was something he'd never seen in a video game before. After Kratos had ripped through the onslaught of undead he comes to a tomb and a battle rages on between he and a reaper-like boss battle.

Described as one of the most cinematic fights in gaming history, it came together by actual fighting, timed button presses but also another brand new mechanic he didn't elaborate on further.
He said the there will be100% be a playable demo for the PSN in the coming months ahead. Maybe sooner than later???

He ended it by saying the trailer we see at the VGA's isn't going to be anything to get too excited about and will end up showcasing very little of the game. And finally, while highly impressed with how the game looks and seems to play, he said he was hoping to have seen more than the cemetery in wish he feels probably starts the game off or finds its mark shortly afterwards. He said the fighting and sheer amount of enemies on screen is unheard of and was epic enough to open up the game, but he wouldn't be surprised if they didn't toss in something even bigger than what he seen."

Lagt til 2008-12-10 00:41:
fant dette på en post på gametrailers btw.
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Det høres grusomt fett ut!
Men jeg redd for å ta sånne ord helt på alvor, da spillet sikkert ikke ender opp med å bli like bra som det jeg får følelsen av når jeg leser dette.
Men sjøl om det kanskje ikke blir 10 hakk bedre enn alt annet, er jeg helt sikker på at Kratos igjen kommer til å banke de fleste andre spill like langt ned i støvla som det han gjorde i enern og toeren
|You're only as sick as your secrets|
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  • Missing Avatar
  • oski
Håper dette blir urvoldelig! Fete bosskamper mmr!
Hasta la-vista baby!
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Sithlord har fylt meg opp med så mye dritt om serien, at jeg nesten bare må ha dette!
"I'm gonna go have a smoke right now. You want a smoke? You don't smoke, do ya, right? What are ya, one of those fitness freaks, huh? Go fuck yourself."
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Skal kjøpe GoW 1 og 2 før GoW 3 kommer. Har aldri prøvd dem, men hørt mye positivt om de.
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  • Zook
  • Zook
Siterer Zyrocz:
Skal kjøpe GoW 1 og 2 før GoW 3 kommer. Har aldri prøvd dem, men hørt mye positivt om de.

Ville gjort akkurat det samme selv, men PS3'en er ikke bakoverkompitabel.
You're sleeping over, right?
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Har 2 ps2, eller jeg deler de med småsøskene mine, men jeg har bare brukt den til mgs2 og mgs3 siden jeg fikk ps3, men skal nok kjøpe Killzone, GoW1 & 2 så jeg må ha ps2 til.
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Har ikke spilt forgjengerne, men 3'ern frister stort. Er det noen som helst anelse om når spillet vil lanseres eller om det vil komme noen demo i nærmeste framtid?
All work and no play makes zatzinki a dull boy
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God of war 3 er et spill jeg kommer til å tenke på ihvertfall 3 ganger om dagen frem til det kommer

Kratos som er sur, lei og full av testosteron og hevnlyst, og det i HD grafikk, nei det er ikke dårlig det.

Så selvfølgelig gleder man seg her i gården
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man er enten veldig feminin eller dum hvis du ikke liker god of war.

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Jeg så den nye traileren.
Det føltes ikke helt gameplay.

Grafikken var ikke helt det jeg forventet meg. men det er kanskje en bra ting. Er jo ikke en grafikk bombe jeg vil ha, men en testoseron bome!


Shit, Gamersyde hadde mye bedre kvalitet enn gametrailers!!
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Nå skal vi ikke glemme at spillet ikke er ferdig. Men uansett, så lenge de klarer å få gameplayet like bra, om ikke bedre som de tidligere spillene er jeg fornøyd.
"There Will Be Only Chaos!"
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Jeg syns at god of war ser helt sykt bra ut blir nok en av ps3 største og beste spill sammen med little big planet og Metal gear solid4 (elsker dette spill) Har egentlig ikke hat noe kjempe stort forhold til god of war før men jeg har spillt litt av det første.
what motivates a man to confront the challenges that must of us would run from? ... The answer, is love.
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