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2012 causerie
I suppose everybody has heard one or two things about how the world will end on December the 21sth in 2012. Why? Because a 5000 year old Maya calendar says so.

There is actually a lot of people who are genuinely concerned about this, to them I would like to say: Suckers! Not only is there absolutely NO EVIDENCE AT ALL that anything will happen. Secondly; why trust the Mayans? I mean If they where so smart you would think that they could predict their own future, right? Wrong, the Mayans are all long dead, couldn't, guess they didn't see that coming.

Besides, the Mayan calendar doesn't even say that the world will end, at least not literally. The calendar just ends there, if you ask me that's not so weird. You see the Mayans made their calendar by hand, year by year. So maybe they just got tired after writing over two thousand years on their calendar? I would probably go tired after two months, so I don't blame them. To me it just doesn't seem very probable that the earth will collapse, the sun will explode or aliens take over earth because a old Indian calendar ends at that date.

The reasons why so many believes the Mayans however is because they where very intelligent, especially at that time. They where excellent astrologists and had technology which nobody else had at that time. Still, today we have better technology then they had back then, and our scientists haven't discovered any reason why Armageddon will break loose in 2012. The world where also predicted to end in the years of 2000, 2001, 2004 and 2010, but last time I checked the world was still fully functional and the people on it where mostly alive. Maybe the Mayans just war really into practical jokes and the 2012 phenomenon just is the biggest practical joke ever?

You would think that the world would end when the sun was aligned in the center of the universe, but that happened back in 1998. Of course there is people who have "coded" the bible and found out that the world will end in 2012 without having more proof then what they claim is "hints". I wouldn't trust them to much, since people like that could probably code a rock and find out what the meaning of life is...

But who knows maybe something bad will happen? Maybe the earths magnetic field will reverse? Did that sound scary? Well don't be alarmed, it happened like 800,000 years ago and the human then all survived it. Maybe something else bad will happen? Like an asteroid will hit our beloved planet. Well that could happen in theory, but the asteroid would probably not get enough speed to wreck the earth, also most of the big rock would probably burn away in the atmosphere because of all the CO2 gas covering the earth (Thank god for littering!). I could write this all the way to 2012 December the21th, but seeming that it would eventually get boring I will move on.

Also I mentioned aliens a couple of time earlier in the text, all I have to say to that is: Why would an alien race wait till the end of a Mayan calendar to visit earth? Besides all this commotion about 2012 is wasted, since Jesus was born seven years before our time, which would make 2011 to 2018 which would say that 2012 was in 2005, which would say that the world didn't end at all. In your face conspiracies!

If you still think the world will end in 2012, then I guess you can't be convinced and that you are just plain stupid. At least I know that I will sleep safely December the 20th 2012.
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Mayaene forutså faktisk sin egen undergang... Det påstås tilogmed at de koblet det til et årstall som tilsvarer 1492, hvilket var året Columbus traff Sør-Amerika. Ikke at det beviser noe som helst. Det er som Nostradamus: Gjør tilstrekkelig mange generelle spådommer og du er nødt til å treffe på noen. Siden Mayaene hadde et syklisk tidssyn var det naturlig at de forutså at ting ville ende. Det er også trolig derfor 2012 er blitt pekt ut, for de gadd vel ikke lage en større syklus.
                                                 ••• Abusus non tollit usum! •••                                                                                                      Moderatorsjef @ Gamereactor®                                          
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Nå har jeg ikke satt meg godt inn i dette, men jeg går ut ifra at argumentet med Jesus er verdiløst fordi Mayane ikke fulgte den tidsregninga. Mayanes kallender går derfor ut i det som tilsvarer 21. desember 2012 i vår tidsregning som begynner i år 0, ikke nødvendigvis da Jesus ble født.
We lost a moron, fucking celebrate!
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Tipper at det går bra. Har uansett investert i en fin, liten tomt på Mars. Ellers støtter jeg meg til alt Strategist sier.
Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?
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Strategist: Tenkte akkurat det samme... (history channel ftw...)

Jeg ville heller stolt på Isaac Newtons dommedags profeti, om at vi vill utrydde oss selv ved en krig mellom kristne og "anti-christ" i år 2060 (tror jeg det var). Han forutså blant annet ting som Jødenes tilbakekomst til Jerusalem, til og med det året som de kom tilbake.

Vill selv påstå at den største dommedags trusselen er oss selv, vårt store arsenal av kjernevåpen...
"Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO is the answer."
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Har nok stor tvil på at verden vil gå under i 2012, men at den før eller siden vil gjøre det må vi nok bare innse. Å spå verdens undergang er det nok ingen som klarer - takk og pris for det.

En kjempebra blogg
Bernt Erik Sandnes/Spill er sunt - Intel i7 4960X, Gigabyte X79-UP4 hovedkort, Gigabyte HD7970 2GB GDDR5, 32GB Kingston Hyper X Beast, Kingston HyperX 240GB SSD, BenQ XL2720Z LED Skjerm, Philips amBX, Cooler Master Cosmos SE kabinett.
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