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Først en liten klargjøring.
Jeg skriver blogg for min familie og mine venner; da jeg har mange utenlandske venner som vil lese, skriver jeg på engelsk.
Siden jeg ikke har så mye tid, er det slitsomt å skulle skrive hele innlegget på norsk; derfor kan jeg fra tid til annen kopiere hit engelske innlegg. Imidlertid, jeg vil prøve å få tid til å skrive en og annen "Gamereactor eksklusiv" blogg ;)

Passing through the security I thought everything would be in order-as it usually is, but I lost a small tool box. Shoot. I did not think of that at all when I put it in my backpack to lighten the check-in bag. Now, I assume the woman at the check-in would not have minded +500 gram or so in one of the items I checked-in. It was not a very expensive set, but it is just so annoying to have lost something so unnecessarily.

The departure was one hour delayed. 20 minutes at the gate, 40 minutes waiting on the plane for it to depart. It was quite alright though.

A funny thing happened. I sat down, on 10D, and exchanged a brief moment of eye contact with the man on 10F. No one sat down between us. I kept thinking that this person looks familiar, but I did not really want to ask if it was him.. that is just so strange. He started reading a book. I noticed it was in French, this was the key, I took the chance. I was right. It was a man named Nicola(s), from France, who I have often seen in the café I frequent at campus. Seeing him somewhere so different, and not seeing his whole face, I was so unsure whether or not it actually was him. We spoke, I played a game on the computer, he read his book. Descending to land, we saw a very feeble green hue on the black sky; Aurora, my Borealis, finally you presented yourself for me. It was the first northern light I have seen in Tromsø.. and it was *no where* as beautiful as the one I saw down south in 2005. I want to see more-and some good ones-before the sun assumes its dominating position on the vault of heaven.

I missed my connecting bus by two minutes, and had to wait for 20 minutes. There waiting I saw another light in the sky, again very weak and small.

I arrived at home to an annoying message from the owner (and conveyed by my room-mates, who happened to get on the same bus I was on when I reached downtown)(stating that we cannot use the hearth until further notice, wall damage of some sort), and a somewhat messy place.. grr..
I hope they clean up soon, so I can take some good pictures, I do not want to photo a place that looks unclean and unlike how I want it to be ;)

Today I had a meeting at did some preperatory work for the semester, and I just went swimming, which I may do more frequently this semester. Now I will make dinner, eat, and clean up my room (and do some decorating, the result will be photographed ;) ) and perhaps partly the other areas too.
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