Orcs Must Die: Unchained

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* Påkrevd felt

De forrige Orcs Must Die-spillene var det man kan kalle blanding av tower defense og dungeon crawler, og med Orcs Must Die: Unchained tas det hele ett skritt videre. Der står nemlig 5 mot 5-kamper på menyen, og man skal både innta rollen som angripere og forsvarere.

Den slags må naturligvis testes grundig:

- We've been in alpha and then closed beta for quite a time now. A few months ago there were so very big changes that we wanted to make so we left the game up for people who wanted to continue playing, we left the servers running. But we haven't been updating for quite some time, kommenterer designleder Ian Fischer fra utvikler Robot Entertainment.

Han fortsetter:

- We had started off with a collectible card game inspired model for it. And as more and more people were playing our game and started to play in a more competitive fashion we got more feedback from our players that it kind of sucks to hear about a build or to think about a new build and not be able to test it, because you have to count on the randomness of opening up a pack and getting the things you need for it. So we've revised that and we have a model now where it's just kind of straight up - everything except for vanity in the game can be purchased with skulls. You earn skulls through playing the game, so someone can say 'I want this trap, I want this hero, I want this whatever' and they can try to play enough games to purchase the things that they want.

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